Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 2 continues into Shabbat

My mother and I meet up with Maddy and the Pressman group. (My daughter is participating in Pressman Academy's twinning program with the Magen school in Tel Aviv - more about that later.) I have been to the Kotel several times now and am always surprised by the experience. This time is no different. We find the group at the Sephardic Educational Center where the group is staying. I haven't seen Maddy since she left on Sunday so I am eager to see her and her friends. Once I lay eyes on her and see that she is having a great time, I am now ready for Shabbat.

We each light candles and as I take my turn to light, I look to see my mother and my daughter that my mother and my daughter are right next to me. Three generations in Israel on Shabbat, I know this is a gift and I smile at the thought.

We all (35 of us) walk together to the southern wall so we can pray together. I have never been to that side and am overwhelmed with the history and the beauty. It is all so natural. We pray as we do back in Los Angeles, same book, same words, same family and friends and yet, I am enveloped by the peace and spirituality of the moment. Rabbi Kligfeld speaks about being here together and asks the kids to share their thoughts. I listen as beautiful words are spoken from the hearts of 12 year olds who are far from home. Some talk of friendship or their family back home and I am so profoundly aware of the moment that I try to burn it in my memory because I don't lose it.

We pray, sing and dance together and watch as the sunset turns to night. Afterwards, we walk back to the Kotel and as the men and women separate to each take their place in front of the wall, I say my own silent prayers of gratitude and love.

We walk back to SEC for dinner and though I am far from Los Angeles, I walk as if I am home.

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